33rd Purely Pastel Exhibition

Our 33rd Purely Pastel exhibition features the work of many artists from Canada and internationally.

Exhibition Details


Neilson Park Creative Center

56 Neilson Drive, Etobicoke, ON  M9C 1V7

May 30 to June 17, 2023

Award Paintings

Special Exhibition Recognition


Ursula Reese Grand Prize: Helen Van Poorten – What’s For Lunch?

First Place:  Maria Iva – Sandbanks Sunset

Second Place:  Joan Larson – The Colt

Third Place:  Andrew McDermott  – Looking Back

Honorable Mentions

Lynda Baxter – Donalda Marsh

Cathy Cullis – On the Rise

Adrian Soegandi – Walk in Light

Susan Typert – HyHope Farm Tomatoes and Pickled Eggs

Members Earning Signature Status


Lynda Baxter

Johanne Boisvert

Louise Brent

Louise Notley

Nga Reiniö

Lydia Steeves

MPACAdrian Soegandi

Online Exhibition Gallery

Juror's Comments


It is always an honour to serve as a juror. It is also a great responsibility and I always do my best to remain as unbiased as possible and apply solid criteria when making my selection.

I look for drawing skills, good and interesting composition, great values, a focus, interesting negative space and an emotional connection. The images I have chosen have most of the attributes and even when they did not, they had qualities that made them worthwhile. On the other hand, the images I did not select lacked in one or several of these areas. What I found most prevalent were value issues, meaning that light, medium and dark passages were not in the right place or absent. The images deserving an award all have great design qualities and are wonderful examples of the medium of soft pastel.

Forest Floor


It was a pleasure to jury the pastel show for the Pastel Artists of Canada this year.

To begin the process of jurying, I paid attention to my initial response to each image, whether the artist’s intention or message was clear or not.

Next, I was looking for strong drawing and composition skills. Keeping up good drawing skills is critical to having work accepted regularly to juried shows. Good composition skills make your work stand out.

Colour is of particular interest to me, and I enjoy realistic colour as well as any kind of interpretive, impressionistic or expressionistic expression. Original use of colour always gets high marks from me.

I also look at what I call “finish quality” meaning how true the marks made with pastel were, and a consistently well-developed and expressive level of finish in every area of the painting.

Congratulations to everyone who got their work in the show, and to the award winners. Those who are lucky enough to visit the Nelson Park Creative Centre for the ICAN Pastel Conference will get the best dose of education by taking workshops, observing demos as well as paying a great amount of attention to all the paintings on exhibit in one space. The best education you can get!

Ruffles in the Sun


It is always a difficult exercise to judge and rate an artistic creation. I try to stay focused on objective criteria and ignore subject matter and personal taste.

Composition is the first thing that l look at – the abstract pattern, asymmetry, balance, value masses, contrast, and dynamic movement.

Technical skills – proportions, perspective, drawing, a distinctive pastel touch.

Artistic concept and personal view. Harmonious colour choice and texture.

Although all of the good ingredients may be put together, the final question is: Did the cake rise?

Under Different Light

Our Sponsors

Pastel Artists.CA wants to extend its sincere appreciation and gratitude to our generous sponsors.  They play a big part in the success of our exhibitions.