Our Exhibitions

One of Pastel Artists.CA’s mandates it to promote our members work through exhibition participation.  PAC strives to host an open juried exhibition, “Purely Pastel” every year.  These gallery exhibitions alternate between Western and Eastern Canada on a yearly basis.  The exhibitions are juried by well known national and international pastel artists to ensure the accepted entries are of the highest standards.

PAC also holds an annual member juried online exhibition.  This exhibition is open to all PAC members and provides an opportunity to participate in exhibitions without the expense of shipping works across Canada.  This exhibition gains in popularity each year and continues to grow every year.

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There is a wonderful feeling when you walk into your own exhibition. You see the work as a true extension of yourself. Win or lose, your interests have led you to an accumulation of your personal expression, signed lower right, mounted to best advantage.

~~ Robert Genn ~~