Margaret Ferraro
Margaret has taught pastel painting for over 30 years in the Ottawa Valley and Georgian Bay region of Ontario. With extensive experience teaching plein air painting, her work centres on the joy of colour.
Margaret’s love of colour has been a consistent important element of her pastel work for over 30 years. From traditional impressionism and realism to her use of open colour, Margaret’s work has been an exploration of how to use colour to many different effects.
To read about travel trips or other class experiences: blogging at, and website:
Website and Blog
Upcoming Workshops
VALUE: Boost Your Confidence
ICAN – Studio A (West)
Wednesday, May 31, 2023
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Half-Day Workshop
Learn several ways of analyzing value, become consistent in assessing and using value in your painting. Practise establishing value at the thumbnail stage, and how this greatly affects your composition and eye flow. Through becoming more value confident, learn how to loosen up with your colour choices, creating colour pallets full of vitality.
Pre-order your supplies from Studio Six or Wyndham Art Supplies at a discounted rate* and have them delivered to the conference! See Studio Six offer details. See Wyndham Art Supplies offer details.
Material List
Participants are asked to bring easels if at all possible.
All participants are required to bring drop cloths.
Bring a selection of pastels that reflect your usual use of colours, (minimum 25). Then add at least 10 colours that you rarely use.
- 3 papers, no bigger than 12 X 18
- 1-white or light
- 1-grey or medium value and
- 1-black, or a dark value
- You will also want to bring one pastel paper of your choice for a piece to start in the workshop, sanded on non-sanded
- Sketch book or notebook
- Some photo references for personal use
- kneaded eraser
- still bristle brush
- masking tape (beige only, no colour)
- foam core board to work on
- baby wipes for cleaning hands
- other tools to manipulate pastel
Register Now
Workshop Fee (PAC members): $75
Not a member? Join the PAC
before registering for a workshop for a $50 Annual Membership.
Or add a one-time $50 Conference Fee in addition to the workshop fee. Only add to cart once regardless of how many workshops you register for.
Contrasting Colour
ICAN – Studio A (East)
Sunday, June 4, 2023
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Full-Day Workshop
Make your colours dance by understanding how colour contrasts. Gain a clear understanding of value, temperature and intensity of colour and how these contrasting principles are employed in painting. Clarify your own personal preferences to gain a clear voice, that expresses exactly who you are, in terms of colour.
Pre-order your supplies from Studio Six or Wyndham Art Supplies at a discounted rate* and have them delivered to the conference! See Studio Six offer details. See Wyndham Art Supplies offer details.
Material List
Participants are asked to bring easels if at all possible.
All participants are required to bring drop cloths.
- Bring a selection of pastels that reflect your usual use of colours, (minimum 25).
- Then add at least 10 colours that you rarely use.
- 9X12 or larger sketchbook for notes and creating a colour journal.
- Some photo references for individual work. Bring 6 photos minimum.
- Pastel paper: A selection to choose from in workshop.
(Papers can also be purchased at conference).
We will be working 3 studies, no larger and preferably smaller than 9 X 12. Then, one larger piece. - Colour Wheel
- kneaded eraser
- stiff short haired bristle brush
- masking tape (beige only)
- foam core board for working on
- baby wipes
- any other pastel tools, blenders, etc.
Register Now
Workshop Fee (PAC members): $150
Not a member? Join the PAC
before registering for a workshop for a $50 Annual Membership.
Or add a one-time $50 Conference Fee in addition to the workshop fee. Only add to cart once regardless of how many workshops you register for.